Chronic Pain


The thing about learning how to blog- and trying to organize all of my thoughts is that it is very tiring. So while I may have a series of ideas bouncing about in my head, and maybe some snappy one-liners cued up, I have to figure out a way to pace myself so as to not do harm.

Everyone gets tired. People may even use the expression “brain dead” to describe themselves after a particularly tough day. Neurofatigue after brain injury is totally different. In fact, I would relate my Neurofatigue to going “All In” in a game of poker with one pair. Unless there is some random stroke of luck, there is nothing left.

In the early years of my accident, I would often “feel” my brain trying to work. I would describe it best as I would get a “flopping” sensation in the front of my brain- one that I would liken to a goldfish who had somehow fallen out of its bowl. My brain was flopping and twisting for its life. Today, this sensation happens a lot less, (Thank God!), but it is still brought on when I work too hard on matters of perception (such as puzzles) or when I am trying to synthesize too much information from too many sources. As a result, as I flip back and forth through WordPress guides and tutorials in order to learn how to make my hyperlinks work, or how to allow followers to know how to contact me, and also write, it can be a challenge.

So while I have a LOT to say about brain injuries, chronic pain, migraines and the like- it may take a bit in between posts. I hope to continue to reach other #warriors and remind myself, and them, that someone DOES understand.